Our friends at SEEA are seeking a new Executive Director. Below are some of the details on the position, for more on the mission of SEEA check out their website here. About Southeast Energy … [Read more...]
Industry Job Postings
If you have an industry job you would like listed, please email info@neec.net.
City of Seattle is Hiring!
The City of Seattle has 2 open Program Management positions for Energy Analysis. Click here to apply now or read on for a brief overview. Position Description We invite you to join the Customer … [Read more...]
2030 Districts Seattle Seeks Sustainability Program Coordinator
Our friends at 2030 Districts Seattle are seeking a Sustainability Program Coordinator. If you're looking for a change this could be a great fit for you! About Seattle 2030 District: The Seattle … [Read more...]
Codes and Standards Engineers/Analysts Wanted at OR DOE
Our friends at ODOE (Oregon Department of Energy) are looking for two qualified Codes and Standards Professionals! Both positions opened recently and close at the end of the month (7/28). Do you know … [Read more...]
Job Opportunity: WA DES – Measurement and Verification Specialist
The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) provides centralized business services to state government agencies; to other public entities such as cities, counties and tribes; and to Washington … [Read more...]
O’Brien360 New Job Posting
Our friends at O'Brien360 have a new job posting they want us to share with you! We have provided a brief summary of the position below and their .pdf of the role. You can find more opportunities and … [Read more...]
New Jobs at SBW Consulting and City of Seattle Office of Sustainability
If you're considering a new role our friends at City of Seattle and SBW would love to have you! Check out the brief description of the roles below and click the provided links to see more info or … [Read more...]
We’re Hiring! NEEC Administrative Support Specialist Position
About NEEC and the Smart Buildings Center: The Northwest Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC) is a non-profit business association of the building efficiency industry. NEEC's mission is to promote energy … [Read more...]
3 New Job Postings from Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light has announced three new job listings. Each one is seeking entry-level to 5 years' experience the listings include the following: 2x Program, Product and Service Developers - … [Read more...]
New Job Posting: Port of Seattle
Are you on the job market or looking for something new? Our friends at Port of Seattle are looking for an Environmental Program Manager - Building and Facility Energy Diagnostician | Port of Seattle … [Read more...]