September 13, 2011
A conversation with Margie Harris, Energy Trust of Oregon
Presenter: Margie Harris
Description: The Energy Trust of Oregon is one of a small handful of third party implementers of energy efficiency program activity. Margi Harris has served as its Executive Director since the Trust’s inception. This is an opportunity to hear from Margie her view of what the Trust has accomplished, where its headed, and the role that trade allies have and will play in the Trust’s activities.
October 26, 2011
Behavior-based Energy Efficiency
Presenters: Fred Gordon, ETO; Bob Stolarski,PSE; Mary Smith, SnoPUD
Description: We let people occupy buildings and as a result they have profound implications on energy use. Historically, however, energy efficiency program emphasis has been on the hardware and equipment in those buildings. Increasingly, attention is being paid to building occupants, be that home dwellers, building operators, office workers, and plant operations staff. Some utilities and third party administrators are starting to field programs designed to affect behaviors that result in quantifiable energy savings. This panel will talk about those efforts and the programmatic and regulatory hurdles they face in expanding into the world of behavior based energy efficiency.
November 29, 2011
A conversation with Claire Fulenwider, NEEA
Presenter: Claire Fulenwider
Description: The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is in its 14th year of existence. It was one of the first market transformation oriented programs in the country and the one and only MT program with voluntary and uniform support of its electric utility constituents. Claire Fulenwider is the NEEA Executive Director and she will share her thoughts on the recent past and near term future of NEEA.