The Smart Buildings Center (SBC) and Building Operator Certification (BOC) program are proud to announce our first annual BOC Operator of the Year, Stephanie Carlisle, Compliance Coordinator for the Town of Medway, MA!

Earlier this year, BOC requested nominations for people working to improve the energy efficiency of their work environment using skills they learned in the BOC program. We received many impressive nominations detailing how methods learned in BOC classes are helping people make improvements in their work environments, but Stephanie’s story stood out among the rest.
Stephanie was nominated by her co-worker, Bobby McGee, who completed the BOC training with her and wanted her to be recognized for her hard work “making the world a little greener” and being known as Medway’s “Green Community Coordinator.”
In her role as the Compliance Coordinator for the Town of Medway, Stephanie is responsible for all energy savings projects. BOC training equipped her with the necessary skills to analyze the energy usage of all building equipment, produce reports, and implement changes and repairs as needed. She tracks and records natural gas, electricity, heating oil and propane consumption and analyzes data to identify energy and cost savings opportunities. Stephanie then works with consultants on the cost and energy savings metrics and submits grant applications to obtain funding for the energy savings projects.
A few projects Stephanie has helped receive funding include:
- Blown-in insulation for the Senior Center roof/attic space
- Cost: approximately $70,000
- Building envelope weatherization repair and weather stripping to save energy and money on heating/cooling costs for Fire Station, Town Hall and Senior Center
- Cost: approximately $20,000
- Installation of the Town’s first EV charging stations
- Worked with Eversource on the Make Ready Program for no cost “behind-the-meter” installation, and with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council on reduced cost of the station equipment
- Purchase of the first electric vehicle for the Town’s fleet
- Obtained two electric vehicles to date
- Replacement of boilers, AHUs, and condensers at the Police Station
- Cost: approximately $200,000
The SBC and BOC program applaud Stephanie on her efforts to improve the energy efficiency of the Town of Medway’s operations, and congratulate her on being named as 2019 BOC Operator of the Year!
Know someone who deserves recognition for their work in the industry? Nominations will open for the 2020 BOC Operator of the Year award in May, so stay tuned!