The NWPCC has issued a draft of its 6th Power Plan covering the period on 2010 – 2014 (and its longer range 20 year forecast as well). The Plan largely relies on energy efficiency to meet the region’s growing need for electricity. In the five year span, the Council calls for 1,200 aMW of energy efficiency resources which represents about 58% of projected demand growth in that period. The longer 20 year forecast projects 85% of new demand met through energy efficiency. The Council is holding a series of public hearings around the region to gather comment on the plan.
Wednesday, September 30th
Best Western Executive Inn
200 Taylor Ave. N.
Seattle, WA
5:30pm – 7:00pm
Tuesday, October 13th
JR Williams Bldg. East Side
700 W. State St.
Boise, ID
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Wednesday, October 14th
Time and location TBD
The Council has asked to testimony to specifically address the following questions.
1. Rising prices of electricity over the next 20 years and ways that utilities can help to reduce the effect on their customers’ monthly bills, including development of conservation, renewable resources, and demand-response programs;
2. Load-growth projections for the region – short-term (2010-2015), medium-term (2010-2020) and long-term (2020-2030) – and the extent to which the Council’s economic forecasts adequately incorporate uncertainty;
3. Conservation targets, the feasibility of achieving those targets, and major sources of uncertainty in achieving them;
4. The analysis and evaluation in the Plan regarding future capacity needs and the resources to meet peak load demands in the winter and summer;
5. Integration of wind power into the region’s power system and incorporation into the plan of strategies and resources necessary to meet projected future wind power development; and,
6. The adequacy of energy and capacity resources, reliability of the regional power system, and appropriate measures of each.
To read the Draft 6th Plan and to follow information on the public hearing process visit NWPCC website at