In contrast to Washington State’s inability to put in place a functioning energy benchmark and disclosure process, the City of Portland’s new benchmark requirements seem to be humming along smoothly. The first group of covered buildings (those over 50,000 square feet) must report by April 22nd of this year for 2015 performance. The City has a functioning Help Desk to help resolve problems and answer questions and along with PGE, Pacific Power, and NW Natural, hosting a series of workshops to help building owners. NEEA has posted a list of service providers on its web site for any owner who wishes to use a third party for assistance. When the Portland data is reported, the Northwest will have one of the most robust data sets of building energy performance (when combined with the City of Seattle) anywhere. It should be fascinating to see the actual levels of performance of a large portfolio of buildings in areas that have now run some of the longest, most aggressive, and continuous energy efficiency programming in the United States. Report cards anyone?
You are here: Home / Policy and Legislation / Reminder – Portland Benchmark Reporting Due April 22nd