Referendum 52 – Healthy Schools For Washington ( – will be the premier energy issue on Washington’s statewide ballot on November 2nd. The professional campaign staff, supported by key business, labor, and environmental stakeholders, are implementing a winning strategy emphasizing the value that energy efficiency investments can make in Washington schools – reducing their long term operating costs and improving their indoor environmental quality. The combination of cost reductions and better learning environments for Washington school kids resonates across a broad band of the state’s voters. If passed in November, Washington State will have the largest target sector energy efficiency effort in the United States (which could well lead to other states in the region and the country copying the effort). Campaigns, like armies, run on their stomachs and the feedstock of modern political campaigns is adequate financing. Referendum 52 is receiving strong support from energy services providers and companies in the product supply chain. Donations to the campaign need to be received by October 11th. NEEC is strongly encouraging businesses and individuals to contribute. For information, on how to do that – or to learn more about the referendum and the campaign – visit the campaign web site listed above.