The Bonneville Power Administration will be making an historic change to its wholesale rate structure effective October 1, 2010. BPA will begin a “tiered rate” system in which each of its … [Read more...]
US DOE Awards $20M each for Portland/OR and Seattle Energy Efficiency
Last week, the US Department of Energy (on Earth Day) announced the award of 25 grants through a competitive solicitation of ARRA stimulus funding and both Seattle and Portland were given $20M. In … [Read more...]
NEEC Oregon Caucus Meets to Discuss 2011 Leg Strategy
Under the leadership of NEEC Board members, Phil Welker and Pat Keegan, a volunteer group of Oregon-based NEEC members have begun meeting to work through policy ideas that could have merit for the … [Read more...]
Yes for Schools and Jobs
The Governor’s ink isn’t even on the paper for HB 2561 (signing date is early May) and a coalition of stakeholders is at work to gear up for a successful November vote. NEEC is taking the … [Read more...]
Washington Legislature Sine Die with a Bang
The 2010 Washington Legislature spent nearly 3 weeks in overtime session to work out state spending and revenue decisions. A combination of budget cuts and mostly temporary tax increases provided for … [Read more...]
NEEA Re-Designing Commercial Sector Program – BetterBricks
The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance has over the past few months been working to re-design its commercial sector intiative – marketed as BetterBricks. Over the past years, the … [Read more...]
Workforce Development – Green Job Promise
Energy efficiency creates jobs. Studies in Oregon, Washington, and around the country have demonstrated that energy efficiency is the single largest contributor to the global green employment … [Read more...]
Washington Legislature Goes into Overtime
The regular session of the Washington Legislature ended with the score seemingly tied 0 to 0 between House and Senate. Both bodies had budget ideas to close the projected deficit in the state, … [Read more...]
WUTC Approves PSE Conservation Program 2010-2011
After some months of uncertainty predicated by a WUTC staff “investigation” of Puget Sound Energy’s conservation program biennial plan, the Commission approved last week … [Read more...]
Seattle Energy Code Process Underway
The Non Residential Energy Code portion of the Washington State Energy Code can be made more stringent by local jurisdictions at their choosing (the residential energy code is mini-maxi). The City of … [Read more...]