The award-winning Hotel Monaco, located in downtown Seattle, tasked ATS with investigating, developing, and implementing energy-saving measures with a financial payback of five years or less. ATS not only reduced Hotel Monaco’s energy consumption while upgrading the Alerton Energy Management and Control System, but provided a financial payback of 2.4 years with a 41% return on investment for the project.
ATS was one of the few companies chosen to be a part of Seattle City Light’s control system retro-commissioning pilot program. This involves examining the control systems already installed in buildings and optimizing them to work as efficiently and economically as possible. Working with Seattle City Light, ATS was able to secure $46,117 in utility rebates and retro-commissioning incentives for Hotel Monaco.
ATS implemented over a dozen control-focused Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) to optimize the Alerton system already in the 150,000 square foot building. This included upgrading the original IBEX system to the newer, enhanced Envision for BACtalk system which has become Alerton’s standard since the building was originally outfitted. Retro-commissioning energy conservation measures deployed included: Adding variable frequency drives, optimizing the chilled and hot water plants with new, load-based sequences of operations, repairing energy-wasting valves and actuators, and reducing equipment run times.
One year of data collected since implementation illustrates the following benefits:
- 490,352 kilowatt hours saved
- 17.6 point drop in Energy Usage Index
- $46,117 in utility rebates received
- $60,004 reduction in total energy spent
Final Project Results:
- Final Project Cost: $192,967
- Final Utility Rebates: $46,117
- Cost After Rebates: $146,850
- Energy Bill Reduction: $60,004
- Simple Payback: 2.4 years
- Return on Investment: 41%