Save the date for the 2024 CalFlexHub Annual Symposium – September 24. This year’s symposium is returning as a hybrid event, offering in-person attendance at Berkeley Lab and remote participation via Zoom Events. The 2024 symposium will be a full day, including tours of the world’s most advanced, integrated building and grid technologies testbed, FLEXLAB®. It will also feature keynote speakers from the California Energy Commission, the U.S. Department of Energy, and more, and an opportunity to meet leading innovators in price-response automation technologies. Session topics will span the demand flexibility ecosystem and enable attendees to learn more about what interests them most. As always, this is a no-cost event.
The event is intended for utility and industry leaders, technology innovators, government representatives, workforce development professionals, community-based organizations, and researchers. We invite you to join a unique opportunity to learn, engage with, and contribute to advancing the future of California’s energy system.
Since its launch, CalFlexHub has been at the forefront of assessing research pathways, developing metrics, and accelerating the commercial adoption of load flexible technologies. This symposium aims to showcase the program’s achievements; offer updates on CalFlexHub’s portfolio of projects; foster discussions on the latest policies, research, and technological developments in load flexibility; and facilitate presentations from sector leaders. To support and accelerate the commercial adoption of load flexible technologies, the symposium focuses on solution-centered conversations designed to address the various barriers to scaled adoption, emphasizing advancing these technologies and standards equitably.
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