The Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council) is soliciting applications for appointment to its Regional Technical Forum (RTF) to serve three year terms beginning in January 2013. Applications are due August 31, 2012. Also, the RTF is seeking a contractor to convert five (5) existing “deemed” calculators into Standard Protocols that are compliant with the Guidelines for RTF Savings Estimation Methods, Release 6-1-11. Request for Proposal (106k PDF) Draft Statement of Work(392k PDF). And finally, at its June meeting, the RTF authorized staff to forward the draft “Guidelines for RTF Savings Estimation Methods, Release 6-1-11” to the Council for review of the policy implications of their adoption and use. The Guidelines describe how the RTF will judge whether the quality of the data and analytical methods are sufficient to produce reliable savings estimates. As of June 1, 2011, these are the operative guidelines the RTF will use to review its existing library of savings estimates and protocols for estimating savings as well as to review prospective new measures.