On January 24th, Seattle City Light presented its biennial conservation targets as required under Washington State’s I-937 statute. The statute requires the state’s 17 largest electric utilities to assess their 10 year conservation potential and establish a pro-rata share of that potential that is cost effective and achievable in a 2 year target. [Editor’s note: this methodological approach while often referred to as “all” cost effective conservation, in actuality only represents 46% of the 10 year cost effective potential.] SCL in its Conservation Potential Assessment estimated its 10 year economically available and achievable conservation resource to be 120.02 aMW. As such, it set its 2012-2013 conservation target at 24.01 aMW. For reference, SCL’s 2010-2011 biennial target was 19.68 aMW and its actual achievement was 25 aMW.