Energy efficiency employs nearly 2.3 million Americans! With the release of E4 The Future’s eighth annual Energy Efficiency Jobs in America report – produced with the Building Performance Association — you can get details on EE workers, trends, and more.
The 2024 National Summary provides big-picture infographics highlighting top states for job growth, demographics, small business impacts, and focused policy recommendations.
A high-level analysis of the report revealed some interesting findings, for example:
- Nearly 2.3 Million Americans work in energy efficiency
- 99.9% of counties have energy efficiency workers
- 2 in every 5 jobs in the energy sector are in energy efficiency
Fact sheets for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia include analysis to help leaders understand the breadth and depth of the EE workforce landscape, and to make informed decisions about program development and investments. Each includes:
- Total jobs per state
- Comparison with other in-state energy sectors
- Business sizes and total number of EE businesses
- Percentage of construction workers & veterans
- Breakouts by type of work
- Demographic data
- Number of EE jobs by county
Check out the full report here at
SBC and Building Potential found the information about Oregon and Washington particularly interesting, as our member states. You can find those reports extracted below!