
WildanǀAbacus is a leading energy services firm. Our team of building experts has performed hundreds of energy studies in every type of building in the Pacific Northwest. Our engineers have diverse backgrounds, including proficiency in mechanical systems, lighting, and all aspects of building infrastructure. We have specific expertise in retrocommissioning, with two Certified Building Commissioning Professionals on staff, and extensive experience in identifying low cost/no cost energy savings opportunities. We have a total of four engineers who are qualified to act as Tune-Up Specialists for the City of Seattle’s Building Tune-Up program. Just these four engineers have over 50 years of combined energy auditing experience. We alos have a support staff of engineers, project managers, and quality assurance engineers who will support the efforts of the Tune-Up Specialists. WildanǀAbacus will provide high quality Building Tune-Up Audits at a competitive price. Our audit process begins with meeting the owner to find out their priorities, concerns, and goals. We follow that with a building walk-through and then conduct the energy study. We provide a full range of auditing services including the Building Tune-Up Audit to comply the City of Seattle ordinance. ASHRAE Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Investment Grade Audits. We are also a licensed general contractor with decades of real world experience in implementing and installing energy efficiency measures.

Key Contact

Lauren Bromley

Tune-Up Specialist, CEM, CBCP



19012 61st Ave NE, Ste. 4
Arlington, WA 98223

Business Types

  • Consulting

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