Bridging the Gap: Commercial Real Estate and Energy Efficiency

Ecotrust 721 Northwest 9th Ave, Portland, OR

The AEE Columbia River Chapter and Energy Trust of Oregon are proud to present the next Energy Engineering Forum. This free event consists of a one hour panel discussion by green building experts followed by fifteen minutes of Q&A.They will be discussing the challenges and solutions to working within the complex commercial real estate market. […]


Portland Power Hour

Energy 350 1033 SE Main St, Portland, OR

Hosted by Energy 350, come and join NEEC at these informal after work get together for NEEC members. The Power Hour will feature drinks and light refreshments combined with networking […]


ShiftBuilding: Better Building Envelopes

Do your clients know that the right selection of materials, techniques, and contractors can make or break the goals for a high-performance project? Building envelope systems allow buildings to reach […]


GridFWD 2018

Pinnacle Hotel 1133 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Bringing Together The Movers Who Are Reshaping The Northwest Electrical Grid Radical changes in energy sources, distribution systems and usage are surging through the electrical infrastructure of the Northwest. To […]

$60 – $275

2015 WSEC – Commercial Air Barrier Workshop

Smart Buildings Center 1200 12th Ave S, Seattle, WA

Building air leakage can significantly impact the energy performance of a building through envelope heat loss and higher fan energy to maintain building pressurization. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Council is […]


Energy Leadership Summit

Washington State Conference Center 705 Pike Street, Seattle, WA

 The Energy Leadership Summit is the region’s must-attend clean energy event. Presented jointly by the CleanTech Alliance and the Northwest Environmental Business Council, this unique event connects policy with practice […]

$90 – $270

Seattle City Light Pay for Performance Launch

Smart Buildings Center 1200 12th Ave S, Seattle, WA

The Deep Retrofit Pay for Performance (P4P) program has been designed to enable customers to achieve energy efficiency through incentive payments, which are made over time and based on energy […]


LEED Green Associate Training

UW Campus, Loew Hall

Sustainability cannot be left out of the equation and LEED certification is the premier designation to stay current and marketable in the built-environment.

$200 – $300

The Internet of Things

Smart Buildings Center 1200 12th Ave S, Seattle, WA

Across all industries, a growing buzz has surfaced around the term “Internet of Things” (IoT). Join us for a look at how IoT is impacting the electrical industry and our customers.  

$40 – $50

Clean & Affordable Energy Conference

Portland, OR

Featuring Oregon’s largest electric and natural gas utilities describing their strategies for deep decarbonization. Is what they are proposing enough and can we accelerate decarbonization in a way that doesn’t leave people behind? Conference panels will explore: • Energy Storage: the promise for the Northwest power system • Energy Efficiency: the health, quality of life, […]

$169 – $299

2015 Seattle Energy Code – Commercial Provisions Workshop

Smart Building Center 1200 12th Ave S, Seattle, WA

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Council is offering a workshop in November 2018 about the 2015 Seattle Energy Code. This event provides an opportunity to “ask the experts” about code requirements that are unique to the SEC. Our presenters will also share helpful information about energy modeling for energy code compliance. Click here for the event […]


Power Hour in Portland

Hosted by NEEC, these informal after work get together for NEEC members, will feature drinks and light refreshments combined with networking opportunities amongst peers and to hear featured guests bringing news and insights affecting the industry. This is a FREE event so come and join us!


2015 WSEC Training – Commercial Air Barrier

Home Builders Association of Tri Cities 10001 W. Clearwater Avenue, Kennewick, WA

Building air leakage can significantly impact the energy performance of a building through envelope heat loss and higher fan energy to maintain building pressurization. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Council is offering a workshop on December 13th in the Tri-Cities area about the commercial air barrier requirements in the 2015 WSEC. This 2-hour training will provide […]


Regional Economic Outlook

Start your year off right by learning about the regional 2019 economic outlook based on labor force, wage, and industry employment trends including projected employment growth by industry. Consumer confidence […]

$40 – $50

Mix & Mingle

Don't miss our annual Mix & Mingle with dinner & wine & fun! Connect with industry peers, forge new friendships, and rekindle old ones. Have fun and benefit your career at the same time! Click here to register.

$50 – $75

Introduction to Daylighting Design (Level 100)

An introduction to daylighting basics, and simple rules of thumb to maximize available visible daylight within the built environment while minimizing potential solar heat gain.


Introduction to Daylighting Design (Level 100)

An introduction to daylighting basics, and simple rules of thumb to maximize available visible daylight within the built environment while minimizing potential solar heat gain.


Introduction to Daylighting Design (Level 100)

An introduction to daylighting basics, and simple rules of thumb to maximize available visible daylight within the built environment while minimizing potential solar heat gain.


ShiftBuilding Symposium: High Performance HVAC Systems

Do you want to get the most out of your HVAC system? Do you desire clean, fresh air circulating through your home or building without negative pressure vacuums? Does your project need a tight envelope and do your occupants want stable, comfortable indoor temperatures? Did you know that the best HVAC choice for efficiency and […]

$44 – $54

Microsoft Tour

Microsoft Building 3730 163rd Avenue NE, Redmond, WA

Hosted by the IFMA Seattle Chapter and the Smart Buildings Center, attendees will tour one of the newer buildings on the Microsoft campus during which they will share how Microsoft designs and manages its campus and employee work space (we'll also see the Tree Houses). Microsoft will share their plans for an extensive campus modernization which […]

$25 – $50

Oregon APEM Spring Forum 2019: Smart Buildings, Energy Savings, and Sustainability: Are they connected?

Where:  NW Natural Building, 220 NW 2nd, Portland When:  March 15th, 2019  7:30am-2:00pm (Forum starts at 8:00am) Speakers to be determined Why: Learn about what defines a Smart Building; the evolution of Smart Buildings; insights on where Smart Buildings are today, and what to expect in the future - and the technologies involved. The title insinuates […]

$25 – $350